Selective Salary Program

**Deadlines for submission of documentation are established within each department.  Please contact your department administrator for the date of submission to your department.**

Selective salary for faculty

Selective salary for academic staff


  • What is selective salary?

    Selective salary (merit review) is the AAUP contract mandated process (Article XII.C) for the awarding of merit increases, over and above automatic cost of living increases.


  • What documents are reviewed for selective salary?

    According to Article XXIV.I.C.1 of the AAUP contract “Each faculty member’s annual report should consist of (a) an updated professional record; (b) a summary of the teaching evaluations for the previous three (3) years (per the September 26, 2014 Letter of Agreement with the AAUP); (c) a summary of the last three (3) years of the faculty member’s activities, a presentation of current activities, and what results are expected from these activities.”   

    1. CV
    2. Teaching Grids
    3. Annual Activity Summary

    According to Article XXIV.II.C.1 of the AAUP contract “Each academic staff member’s annual report should consist of (a) and updated professional record; (b) a summary of the last three (3) years of the academic-staff member’s activities; and (c) a presentation of current activities, and what results are expected from these activities.” 

    1. CV
    2. Annual Activity Summary
    3. Current Activities and Expected Outcomes
  • How are scores determined?

    Scoring is a three-step process; the documents submitted by the faculty member are reviewed by the departmental salary committee, the School of Medicine salary committee, and the Dean.  The final score used to determine the merit increase is determined at the level of the Dean.    

    Scores are determined by comparing the faculty/academic staff member’s self-reported activities for the past three years against the expectations outlined by rank and track in the SOM Factors. Three scores are given (Faculty: Research/Scholarship, Teaching, and Service; Academic Staff: Job Performance, Professional Achievement, and Service).  A score of 2 means the individual is meeting the requirements/expectations of their current rank and track.

    Scores range from 1 - 4, with .5 increments, with 1 being the highest and 4 the lowest.  Faculty/academic staff that are new to the SOM or are in a track that does not require activity in all three of the categories listed above, may be scored a 0. 

  • How is the merit increase amount determined?

    As described in Article XII.C of the AAUP contract the school of medicine receives a predetermined percentage of the SOM faculty/academic staff salary to distribute to faculty/academic staff that receive merititrious scores (1 or 1.5). 

    For faculty 3/7 of the pool is awarded to recognize accomplishments in research/scholarship, 3/7 to recognize accomplishments in teaching, and 1/7 to recognize accomplishments in service. 

    For academic staff 4/7 of the pool is awarded to recognize accomplishments in job performance, 2/7 to recognize accomplishments in professional achievement, and 1/7 to recognize accomplishments in service.  

  • Can I appeal?

    Per Article XII.C.6 faculty cannot grieve selective salary adjustments.

    Per the May 7, 2014 Letter of Agreement: Academic Staff Selective Salary Process and Committees; academic staff can request a reconsideration by the University academic staff tenure and promotion committee within 10 working days of score notification from the SOM academic staff salary committee.    

  • Implications of nonparticipation

    Faculty and academic staff are required to participate in the selective salary process (Article XXIV.I.C.1 or Article XXIV.II.C.I)

    For faculty failure to participate in the process once (1) within a five (5) year period will result in no selective-salary increase, no travel support, and no credit towards sabbatical leave.  Failure to participate twice (2) with in a five (5) year period shall also result in the forfeiture of any across-the-board raise.  

    For academic staff failure to participate in the process once (1) within a five (5) year period will result in no selective-salary increase.  Failure to participate twice (2) with in a five (5) year period shall also result in the forfeiture of any across-the-board raise.