Faculty Development Liaison
The Faculty Development Liaison (FDL) Program designates a senior, experienced faculty member within each department to extend the faculty development efforts of the Office of Faculty Affairs and to support mentoring for faculty members. To learn more about the FDL Program and mentoring opportunities, contact your FDL directly. If your department does not currently list a FDL, contact the Office of Faculty Affairs, 313-577-9877 or ofapd@wayne.edu.
Department | Contact Information |
Anesthesiology | H. Michael Marsh, M.D. |
Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology | David Evans, Ph.D. Title: Professor Phone: (313) 577-1016 Email: drevans@med.wayne.edu |
Center for Molecular Medicine & Genetics | Alexander Gow, Ph.D. Title: Associate Director Phone: (313) 577-9402 Email: agow@med.wayne.edu |
Dermatology | Meena Moosavi, M.D. Title: Assistant Professor Phone: 313-576-1000 Email: mmoossav@wayne.edu |
Emergency Medicine | Claire Pearson, M.D. |
Family Medicine | Deborah Ellis, M.D. Title: Professor Phone: 313-577-1055 Email: dellis@med.wayne.edu |
Internal Medicine | Noreen Rossi, M.D. Title: Professor Email: nrossi@wayne.edu |
Neurology | Evanthia Bernitsas, M.D. Title: Associate Professor Phone: 313-966-9904 Email: ebernits@med.wayne.edu |
Neurosurgery | Carmen McIntyre, M.D. |
OB/GYN | Bernard Gonik, M.D. Title: Professor Phone: 313-966-3246 Email: bgonik@med.wayne.edu |
Oncology | |
Ophthalmology, Visual and Anatomical Sciences | Rodney Braun, Ph.D. |
Orthopedic Surgery | Rahul Vaidya, M.D. Title: Chair Email: rvaidya@wayne.edu |
Otolaryngology | Ed Monsell, M.D., Ph.D. |
Pathology | Rafic Beydoun, M.D. |
Pediatrics | Tej Mattoo, M.D. Title: Professor Phone: 313-745-0076 Email: tmattoo@med.wayne.edu |
Pharmacology | Michael Bannon, Ph.D. Title: Professor Phone: 313-993-4271 Email: mbannon@med.wayne.edu |
Physical Med & Rehab | Scott Millis, Ph.D. Title: Professor Phone: 313-993-8085 Email: smillis@med.wayne.edu |
Physiology | James Rillema, Ph.D. Title: Professor Phone: 313-577-1524 Email: jrillema@med.wayne.edu |
Psychiatry | Richard Balon, M.D. Title: Professor Email: rbalon@med.wayne.edu |
Radiology | Hani Abujudeh, M.D. Title: Professor Phone: 313-745-4672 Email: hani123@wayne.edu |
Surgery | Heather Dolman, M.D. Title: Associate Professor Phone: 313-577-5013 Email: hdolman@med.wayne.edu |
Urology | Issac Powell, M.D. Title: Professor Phone: 313-577-5222 Email: ipowell@med.wayne.edu |